Rutshuru : un projet conjoint FAO-PAM améliore la production agricole dans 4 groupements

Democratic Republic of Congo, near Kananga, Kasai Region, 23 August 2017.Violence and hunger puts Kasai Region of Democratic Republic of Congo on the brink of a humanitarian disaster. Conflict in the Kasai region has left thousands of people killed and many buried in mass graves. More than a million have fled their villages since August 2016. Since the violence started there has been an alarming 30% rise of acute malnutrition in Kasai."Thousands of people have been killed here in Kasai - more than a million displaced. The international community needs to step up to the plate and help these peopleHunger is on the rise here; if we don’t act now then it’s going to get a lot worse and we are going to see ourselves in the same situation as in the other places that desperately need our help" said Jonathan Dumont, Head of Television Communications, World Food Programme.In the Photo: WFP/FAO Seed protection program; FAO supplies seeds and tool and WFP provides food so displaced people can grow food (and not eat the seeds).Photo: WFP/Jonathan Dumont
Un projet conjoint FAO-PAM a sensiblement amélioré la production agricole dans quatre groupements du territoire de Rutshuru. Plus de 7 000 petits producteurs, qui en sont bénéficiaires, produisent actuellement entre 200 et 500 tonnes de vivres par an. Le rapport de cette production a été fait jeudi 17 octobre au ministre provincial de l’agriculture à l’occasion des cérémonies commémoratives de la journée ...   

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